Monday, January 11, 2010

Archaeological Evidence Favors Biblical Record

The archaeological evidence continues to provide support for the Bible, refuting claims by liberal scholars.

For decades, now, liberal scholars have loudly and publically asserted as fact the Bible can not be as old as it claims. When will liberal scholars accept that proving a negative is not only illogical but makes them look less than intelligent? This discovery would silence a reasonable person, so I doubt it will silence liberal scholars.

Pottery shard indicates Old Testament far older than liberal scholars thought.


At January 12, 2010 at 8:06 PM , Blogger v_quixotic said...

How old does the Bible claim itself to be?

At January 13, 2010 at 7:21 AM , Blogger Roy Clemmons said...

Actually, the Bible itself doesn't make an explicit claim to its age, rather, people extrapolate the age from the individual manuscripts and their descriptions of history. For example:


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