Do All Religions Lead to God?
Do All Religions Lead to God? Some say "Indeed they can, all religion is a guide...similar to an atlas. There are MANY different paths to the same destination."
These people mean well, but a problem quickly appears when one reviews the fundamental doctrines of the world's religions - they contradict each other.
In logic, contradictions occur when one or more statements lead to opposing results and both results can not be true:
For example:
Statement 1: Sally is a girl.
Statement 2: Sally is not a girl.
Either Sally is a girl or she is not a girl. She can't be both.
Contradictions also occur in self-refuting statements:
Example 1: Tom is a married bachelor.
Tom is either a bachelor or Tom is married - he can't be both.
Example 2: All truth is relative.
The statement is asserting, absolutely, that all truth is relative. But, if that's the case, then the statement contradicts itself because it asserts all truth is relative.
In order for all religions to lead to God, one or more religions would need to discard or compromise their fundamental doctrine about what they believe leads to God. Try reconciling Christianity and, say, Paganism without compromising the doctrine and traditions or one or both. It can't be done because their fundamental beliefs contradict each other.
Therefore, when it comes to religions, the logical possibilities are only two:
1. All religions can be wrong
2. One or more of them can be correct
All of them can't be correct since a logical contradiction would result.
The challenge is to discover the religions, or religion, that best describes reality.
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