Saturday, April 26, 2008

God Gene is Bad Science

Does a God Gene exist? No, and I argue this is just bad science and all of us should refrain from submitting bad science as evidence for anything.

Essentially, the God gene hypothesizes that (some) human beings are genetically predisposed to a belief in God. The idea is based on the book, The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired into our Genes by Dean Hamer.

Simply put, there's no, and I mean, none, zip, zero, experimental evidence to support the God gene. Period. Still, even if such a gene existed in no way would it refute the existence of God, nor would it refute the religious experiences people have.

We already know the brain possess cognitive structures and chemical reactions that interpret sensory information - correct? Yet, we don't argue the objects our senses report are all in our head do we? Why not? Aren't all experiences merely the result of chemical processes and structures that exist only in our heads? To answer in the affirmative would be preposterous!

It's the same with the God Gene. Just because the brain is wired to sense deity doesn't mean deity is imagined. Besides, the Human Genome Project has scientifically demonstrated that humans are a complex mix of many interacting genes and environmental pressures - not from a single gene.

In short, the idea has no scientific credibility and even Hamer has since disowned the title of his own book.

If one wants to make a philosophical argument for the God Gene, and refer to scientific evidence to strengthen their argument - fine, but keep in mind the speculative nature of the subject…and it pays to keep current on the latest developments in science.

I say, when discussing religion and science, it’s important to be intellectually honest.

That’s my 2 cent argument, rip it to shreds if you can.


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