The Anthropic Principle: Evidence from the Strong Nuclear Force
When two like poles of a magnet are brought together, they repel each other. In a similar way, a force known as the Coulomb Force repels the positively charged protons within the nucleus of an atom.
What keeps the protons from flying apart?
A stronger force called the Strong Nuclear Force (SNF). The SNF overcomes the Coulomb Force and binds together positively charged protons and neutrally charged neutrons.
If the SNF were slightly weaker, perhaps a little as 2% weaker, the protons would repel each other due to the Coulomb force leaving behind a single, lone proton for the nucleus. Thus, the entire Universe would consist solely of the element hydrogen which has but one proton.
Conversely, if the SNF were slightly stronger, just 0.3% stronger, only elements with more than one proton would exist, thus preventing hydrogen from forming. Since hydrogen is key to life sustaining molecules (like water!), life could not form.
In both cases, life as we know it, would not, could not exist!
Since the SNF must fall within a very precise range for life to exist, it is far more reasonable to postulate a designer established the finely tuned SNF than to believe in random chance. The odds are just too great for random chance to explain.
Well written article.
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