Friday, March 15, 2013

Quark Mass Suggests Life Is No Accident

Recent research indicates the universe has little room for error when it comes to carbon based life (humans for example).

A team of physicists is looking at the conditions necessary to the formation of carbon and oxygen in the universe and have already found the formation of Carbon-12 is so precise, a tiny variation in the 'light' quark's mass would prevent carbon based life (us) from forming.

We're talking quarks here, people, the stuff of which protons and neutrons are composed!

The accumulated evidence from this and prior research strongly suggests the origins of life are the result of an organized, creative and, rational intelligence.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Resurrection Evidence

Hank Hanegraaff's new book, The Third Day, examines the evidence for Jesus' resurrection on which ALL of Christianity depends.

In fact, one of the New Testament writers (Paul) said if the resurrection didn't occur, we Christians are a dumb and pathetic bunch (my paraphrase) worthy of the world's pity.

Still, if Hanegraaff's book is insufficient to convince you, watch this video by Dr. William Lane Craig.

If you still need more evidence, the material and videos on Dr. Gary Habermas' web site should do the trick.
The evidence for the resurrection was the final and most convincing point that persuaded me to embrace the Christian worldview.