Friday, February 4, 2011

Is the Bible innerant?

Is the Bible innerant (without error)? We say the bible is inerrant, or without error, in its proclamation of truth.

Inerrancy simply means that the Bible communicates the Truth using approximations, free quotations, and different accounts of the same event without contradiction.

Each writer communicates God’s truth as they perceive it even though their accounts vary. Just as we do when we communicate, Bible writers used stories, similies, analogies and metaphors to communicate their message.

Innerrancy doesn’t guarantee every account will be identical, word for word, but it does guarantee that every account will commnuicate God's Truth.

Inerrancy also includes parables, metaphors and illustrations. Nobody believes Jesus is literally a vine when he says, " I am the vine; you are the branches" or a gate when he says, "I am the gate." Nevertheless, we understand his use of this imagery to make his point.

What is the innerant truth of the Bible? That God loves humanity so much that he sent his only son Jesus to die for us and that whosoever believes and trusts in him will receive forgivness of sins and receive eternal life. Jesus is God’s divine plan for humanity. He is the reason the Holy Spirit inspired men to write the Bible and it's in Jesus we find our purpose and reason for existence.