Dr. Francis Collins - remember him? He's the former director of the Human Genome Project . Recently Collins launched his web site, BioLogos, to harmonize science and spirituality.
"BioLogos is led by a team of believing scientists who are committed to promoting a perspective of both theological and scientific soundness, which takes seriously the claims of theism and of evolution, and finds compelling evidence for their compatibility."
Like Antony Flew, the "worlds most notorious atheist", Collins bases his theism on the evidence from science and in his book, The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, Collins recounts his transition from atheism to Christianity.
Collins believes God used evolution to as the mechanism to create life.
Not surprisingly, Collins is often criticized by members of the two camps he is attempting to harmonize. Still, his website deserves a look no matter where you stand in the debate....and it IS a debate which neither side can end conclusively. Like me, Collins has examined the scientific data model and inducted that God is the best explanation for the evidence. You'll need to decide for yourself, of course, but, for intellectual honesty, at least examine his reasons before rejecting them out of hand.
Incidentally, Check out this debate in Time Magazine between Collins and Richard Dawkins. In his closing statement, Dawkins says, " If there is a God, it's going to be a whole lot bigger and a whole lot more incomprehensible than anything that any theologian of any religion has ever proposed." To which I say, precisely, Dr. Dawkins! God exists apart from and is completely incomprehensible by humanity. Moreover, If it weren't for God's specific manifestation in the physical form of Jesus the Nazarene, humanity would be forever separated from and ignorant of God's personal nature.